Love flight attendant dating

Author’s note: Full disclosure, I’m not single. I’m in a long term relationship, and have been for some time. We have a house, a car, and a cat. While some of you might be asking: “Well, how do I achieve that?” I’m not going to answer that question.

Because, today is about YOU.

For many single flight attendants, the pressure to “find someone” is coming at them from all sides.  Their parents. Seemingly-happily matched friends.  Magazines.  Movies.  Internet articles touting tips and tricks for “snagging a partner.”

There’s that saying about “looking for your other half.”  But what makes you think that you’re only half of a person?

This going to come as a shock, but the secret to happiness is not finding a boyfriend or girlfriend.  The secret is living your life to the fullest!

As a flight attendant, we have opportunities to adventure all over the globe.  We can kite board in Hawaii, climb mountains in Patagonia, or visit temples in Nepal.  We are given the world as a playground, and the possibilities are endless. So, why are YOU staring at your Tinder app right now hoping he will swipe the right way instead of jumpseating to Tokyo?

What really makes you happy?

Hollywood movies have us believing that a happy ending is two people embracing in the rain, happy because the search is over.  Roll to the credits.

But what if your own movie is you going on a solo adventure all over the world?  What if being single is actually okay?

I know, I know.  You’re probably thinking that I don’t remember what it’s like.  The loneliness. The long nights.  The awkward internet dates.

But I do remember my single days, and I think I wasn’t truly happy because I felt compelled to not be single.

I read an internet article today: “What Men Really Think Of You.” Forget that garbage.  What do YOU really think of you?

Get to know yourself.  Take yourself on solo trips.  Enjoy your time being single. You’ll meet awesome people along the way (hello, hostel life!), become a more confidant and truly happy person.  There will be times of loneliness, but fill up those times with friends, good books and your thirst for adventure.

…and chances are, if you’re out there being YOU, you’ll probably meet like-minded people.

But that’s a story for another day…

Celessa and Tim

About the Author

Hello, I’m K. J. Watts, but my friends call me Kara. I fell into the sky and have worked as International cabin crew, on private jets as a corporate flight attendant, and earned an FAA Private Pilot Certificate. Over a decade ago, I started this blog, which developed into a love for writing and a debut memoir based on Flight Attendant Life. A California native, I now live in Sydney, Australia, where I enjoy spending time with my husband, writing, and surfing.

  1. I just love this. There’s so much pressure out there *not* to be single, as if there were something wrong with it. It’s only wrong when you’re not living and loving your life anyway. Thanks 🙂

  2. Yes! everyone seems to think that aviation is a place to meet your future half…lol!
    Have you been asked sooo preeety how come you are single…well truth is once in the plane you are in an office however loosening up to frequent flyers ..being nice is confused with flirting. anyway i love to do what i do at the time am freshly available..sometimes i even love the singleness crew enjoy. That being said, enjoy the and dont let it weigh you down. sometimes the best of times are quiet times.

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