The best description of where my life— our lives— have landed is in a no-man’s land of “Weird.” How long will this last? Will I have work again? Will I lose my job, get sick, or be able to see my family soon? All these questions end unanswered and with you in anxiety. I feel you. Oh how I feel you.
This is a hard season, found between the spring and summer of 2020. We don’t know how long it will last, we are learning what gear we need to wear and how to enjoy— in the little ways that we can— this space we never expected. We are a mix of raw and real emotions that range from simultaneously feeling grateful and envious; hopeful and despondent; happy and broken hearted. There is no road map. We are learning the rules and the way as we go.

I’m not here with answers or best practices to get through this. Somedays, I honestly don’t want to get out of bed; a very uncommon occurance when my generally motivated and bubbly self won’t stop moving. I stare at walls like I’ve never done before. I sit in the sunshine. I slide to the floor in my bathroom and cry. I laugh as I see a cute puppy walk down the street. I notice things more. I feel things more. I also have some practices that I use in an attempt to get by with my sanity in tact. It’s yet to be determined if these practices will be successful…
I’m not saying you need practices or strategies or what I do will work for you. This is only sharing. I hope that you are encouraged by this. Maybe you find some takeaways. Maybe you can let me know what you are doing to fill your mind and your days. You can watch the video on the ways I’m coping with losing my rhythm, my income, and my life as I knew it. I’ll also just outline my routines and strategies for making the best of a bad situation below.
Lots of love, Kara
- Spiritual Practice — I keep a spiritual practice, journal, and pray. I’ve found this to be very helpful for my mental wellness. Your spiritual practice can be what fits your beliefs and your life. It doesn’t have to follow anyone else’s habits.
- Exercise and sunshine — I go on walks so much it’s almost ridiculous. The sunshine calls my name. Movement and outdoors bring me joy.
- Writing — This feels like my purpose at the moment. I focus on making the most of the time that I have. Find something that will help you feel purposeful in a season that has potential to feel purposeless.
- Remembering — I think often to when I felt like all was lost and hopeless in the past and how things turned around. How I learned and grew from the challenges. By remembering I hold onto hope that this too shall past.
- Feel — I let myself feel the emotions.
- Stay Present— I keep myself as present as possible as it helps keep anxieties down.
- Think of what could be possible — I contemplate, carefully, potential future opportunities and back up plans to my current career but I don’t allow myself to live in the future too long. It brings in too much anxiety. It is important to consider other ways to live if necessary though.
- 3 Things I’m grateful for, everyday — Everyday, I write three things I’m grateful for. I did this when I was flying 25 days per month. I do this now when I’m flying none. It just helps.