This blog has seen many adventures. I started the platform with the intent to get out of aviation. I would use this blog to land myself a ‘real job’ in marketing, or so I thought. I laugh now because, nine years deep into blogging and eleven years in with my flight attendant career, I’m still here; and pursuing more avenues of aviation by getting my pilots license. What a beautiful, unexpected, and unreal lifestyle this has been. What a job. 

The life season I am in now feels tough. Uncertain. Challenging. It’s also full of possibility (if I choose to see it). There are aspects of my writing, this blog, and personal travel that I have neglected the past three years due to the all-consuming hustle of becoming a successful corporate flight attendant. I worked so much and work was all I wanted. I want so much more for myself— and this Flight Attendant Life community— for the new decade. 

So, here is both a road map of what you can expect with Flight Attendant Life in 2020 and also a review of my favorite blogs of all time. 

Things that you can expect to see in the blog over the following months.

Brand Ambassador for Tranzend Health — I’m so happy to announce that I will be more focused and vocal in my partnership and support as a Brand Ambassador for Tranzend Health. Tranzend Health creates two products that help flight attendants sleep better and have more energy. Cortizen, a product I use regularly, is helpful in stress reduction, improving sleep quality, mood, digestive health and hormone balance. Paired with Metagize, which enhances energy, mental function, and helps your body burn fats more efficiently, these products are must-haves for your flight attendant health in 2020 and will be a prominent part of this blog from now on. Use the code FALIFE15 for 15% off your first order

Flight Training — My corporate flight attendant career has fallen prey to my desire to become a pilot. I’m taking flight lessons and hoping to turn piloting into a profession. On the blog, you will begin to see more articles and info about how my training is going, articles on going from the cabin to the cockpit, and resources for those interested in piloting over being flight attendants. 

Flight Attendant Nails & Beauty w/ Color Street Nails As a flight attendants, we have to have our nails looking nice. I can’t sit still to paint my own nails let alone sit long enough for someone to throw on a gel manicure. In addition, the gel nails weaken my nail beds and after multiple manicures back-to-back, my nails just hurt. Recently, I discovered Color Street Nails, a press on (actual polish) nail solution that includes so many different designs and shades. Surprisingly, I loved putting the nails on and could sit still long enough to make it look nice. I thought this product would be something you might like to, so I’ll be sharing this beauty option for you on the blog, along with other beauty, health, and fitness products. 

Color Street Nails are ideal for travel

‘My Heart’ Articles & Book Writing — I want to get back to writing content that you relate to and that you are living. All the heart feels you can imagine. I miss that. I have felt so disconnected from you and myself as I allowed my corporate flight attendant career to matter above all else. Along with that goal to get back to realness, I’m writing a book. I won’t give you much teaser now. Just hang in there with me and click here to receive first access to updates on how this project is coming along. 

Flight Attendant Articles — It’s about time to get down to the nitty gritty of Flight Attendant Life and give you relevant and much needed information on flight attendant salaries, flight attendant job outlook, corporate flight attendant careers, and managing yourself as a ‘professional brand.’ Being a flight attendant, whether you work for a commercial airline or on private jets is more than just showing up and looking pretty. I plan to write content this year that helps you succeed and understand this crazy lifestyle we lead. 

Blogging Trips — In the past, I’ve partnered with travel companies, large hotel brands, and other bloggers for sponsored trips. These trips were so much fun and a great way to share my love for travel that lands outside of my job world. It’s time to have more fun on this blog again and trips are a great place to start. Maybe, I’ll even start YouTubing again. 

Abraham Tours

With that, let’s segway into the stories and moments that have hit me hard, changed me completely, and connected me to all of you in a way that I could have never imagined. Thank you for being here in this life with me. 

Cheers to you. Cheers to us. Cheers to another year, another adventure.


And here are some of my personal FAVORITE blogs of all time…

Ruined Me

Not even a question, this is my favorite blog I’ve ever written. Because of who it was about and the beautiful adventure and opportunity for growth that this story left me with. To this day, I love him and the beautiful story and friendship we will always have. 

Dear Daughter

I wrote this on my phone in about 3 minutes. Probably the only blog I’ve ever penned that was easily inspired. I like it as it’s timeless. 

Paris Is Always a Good Idea

One can never have too many stories about Paris

Dream Job 

I wrote this just as my corporate flight attendant career was taking off. I like to read back on it because it reminds me how much magic existed for me then and what this crazy career brought into my life. It takes me back to Tarifa, Spain and wow, I love that place. 

Soulmate City + Danish Life

Copenhagen. Enough said.

About the Author

Hello, I’m K. J. Watts, but my friends call me Kara. I fell into the sky and have worked as International cabin crew, on private jets as a corporate flight attendant, and earned an FAA Private Pilot Certificate. Over a decade ago, I started this blog, which developed into a love for writing and a debut memoir based on Flight Attendant Life. A California native, I now live in Sydney, Australia, where I enjoy spending time with my husband, writing, and surfing.

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